By-Laws | Education Action Committee

Section 1

General All EAC directors shall be considered as EAC officers. The EAC executive officers shall be a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary/treasurer.

Section 2

Chairperson The chairperson shall be elected annually by and from the members of the EAC Board of Directors. The election shall take place as immediately as practicable after the meeting of the Representative Council in which regular vacancies are filled. The chairperson shall serve a period of one year, beginning with his/her election as chairperson. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the EAC Board of Directors and shall serve as the official spokesperson for EAC. In the event of a vacancy during a term in the office of chairperson, the vice-chairperson shall become the chairperson.

Section 3

Vice-Chairperson The vice-chairperson shall be elected by and from the members of the EAC Board of Directors at the same time and in the same manner as prescribed for chairperson and shall hold the same term of office as chairperson, except that in the event of a vacancy, the election shall be held at the next meeting of the EAC Board, and shall serve for the remainder of the vice-chairperson’s term as vice-chairperson.

Section 4

Secretary-Treasurer. The secretary-treasurer shall be elected by the same process, and hold the same term of office, as the chairperson and vice-chairperson. The secretary-treasurer shall render such reports pertaining to financial matters as shall be required by the EAC Board of Directors and shall have custody over the official minutes.

Section 5

EAC Executive Director The GGEA Executive Director shall serve ex-officio as the EAC Executive Director.






Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."

Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."

Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."

Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."